PURSUE Weight Loss

Lose Weight and Be Healthier without starvation diets or long workouts

Learn how people just like you are losing those unwanted pounds by boosting thier metabolism.
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Disclaimer: This page contains affilliate links to helpful products, meaning we get a small commission if you make a purchase through those links, at no added cost to you. 

   My name is Will Harrison and I have seen firsthand the devestating health problems brought on by obesity. I have also witnessed the social anxity, frustration and even depression experienced by those who are struggling to lose weight. This website was created to provide helpful information and access to products to aid those who are serious about losing those unwanted pounds.
 You have counted calories, watched your carbs and increased your workouts and still you are bitterly disapointed when you step on those scales. Why is it so hard for you to lose those pounds when you see others that just dont have that problem?  We all know those lucky people that can eat anything they want and never seem to gain any weight. It's just not fair. Why can they pigout and stay thin, while you have to deprive yourself?  The answer may be thats it's all about your metabolism.   Technally your metabolism is the process by wich your body breaks down what you eat and converts that food into energy. Your metabolic rate determines how fast and how effectively your body can burn the calories that you consume.  Simply put: increase your rate of metabolism and you increase your ability to burn calories.   While your metabolic rate is largly hereditary, there can be many contributing factors that can cause a slowdown of your metabolism. As we age our metabolism naturally slows down but other factors may be: medications, sleep deprivation, imbalanced diet, excess alcohol consumpsion, thyroid problems or even stress.                    Whatever the cause, it is important to feed your body with metabolism boosting foods and beverages.                 
5 Easy Ways To Increase Your Metabolism

               Just can't lose that weight?


 Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. Coffee contains antioxidants that can slow the effects of ageing. The caffine in coffee gives you an energy boost and can crub your appetite. Other benefits are said to be that coffee can lower your chances of Type 2 Diabetes, Dementia, Parkinson's Disease and even depression.                                           
The bad news is that when it comes to losing weight, coffee by itself is not enough.
There is good news. Adding this 100% natural and tastless nutritional supplement to your morning cup of coffee can kick your metablism into overdrive turning your body into a fat burning machine.

Green Tea

  Both green and black teas are made from the same plant, the difference being is that the black tea has been processed and the green tea is left closer to its original state.

 Many studies provide evidence for the benificial effects of Green Tea to your health. Regular use of Green Tea can help to lower chances of Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Alzheimers, Parkinson's Disease and can help your body fight Cancer. It also works as a natural stimulant and can boost your mood. Green Tea extract can be found in many diet products for its ability to  revive your metabolism and balance your blood sugar. Green Tea has been shown to improve blood flow, lower cholesterol and boost your imune system. Pure and largly unprocessed GreenTea is, without a doubt, beneficial to your health. 

 Not all Green Teas are created equal. Many products on the market today have been over processed to the point that many of the beneficial factors have been striped away.

 Wether you drink Green Tea, Black Tea or good old Sweet Tea. try this simple hack. 

5 Easy Ways To Increase Your Metabolism

  Add this 100% natural and tastless suplement to your first tea of the day and give a mega boost to your metabolism, empowering your body to burn more fat.

         Type 2 Diabetes

 According to the American Diabetes Asssociation, 34.2 million Americans have Type 2 Diabetes. Thats 10.5 percent of the population. Those are shocking numbers.

 What is Type 2 Diabetes?

  Glucose is the main sugar found in your blood. It comes from the food you eat and it is your body's main source of energy.
  Your blood carries the glucose to your body's cells, where it gets convereted into energy.
  Diabetes is a disease in which your blood sugar levels are too high.This happens as a result of two possible problems that involve a harmone in your body called insulin.                                                                                                         • First problem might be that your body isn't producing enough insulin. This is harmful because insulin regulates the movement of blood sugar into your cells.
   Second problem might be that  your cells are responding poorly to the insulin and they are not absorbing sugar the way that they suould. This is known as "insulin resistance."
   As a result of these two problems not enough sugars are converted to energy and over time your blood sugar levels becomes too high.
                                                                                                             Once your blood sugar levels rise beyound a cetain threshold (which can be shown by a blood test), you are classified as having Type 2 Diabetes.

     Some symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes include:
   • Increased thirst
   • Frequent urination
   • Increased hunger
   • Fatigue
Check out this new, science-backed supplement that supports healthy bloodsugar levels and promotes healthy weight loss for men and women.

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